OPD Team

OUR MOST VALUABLE OPDENHOFF RAW MATERIAL - A team with experience & new ideas


Quality, values AND philosophy

With Opdenhoff customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We are always committed to providing our customers with the highest quality, value and service to ensure that they are satisfied with our products and services. We are proud of our OPDPRO.CARE family and strive to continuously improve our processes and keep our customers satisfied.

Continuous improvement is the energy that drives our actions. The air we breathe is the irrepressible will to find innovative solutions to master our customers' challenges. We rely on cooperation with our customers and our partners to further ignite this will to innovate and constantly drive forward our growth ambitions.


Meeting our commitments is of great importance to us. We believe that transparency and a sense of responsibility are central elements of our actions. That is why we are committed to upholding standards and only work with partners who share our values.

We are proud of our employees and managers and create a working environment that encourages their development and commitment. We believe that their success is our success and therefore invest in their training and development.


For us, AI and digitalization are the aspects that will take our success of CAN, DO and PASSION to new heights. Wings only grow if you have the courage and leap, which is why we are convinced that the use of AI will help us to better place people at the center of the interaction between man and machine. Our OPDPRO.CARE is the result of passion, experience and expertise in connecting company systems to create a networked digital world. By using AI and optimizing our digital processes, we want to offer our customers an even better process experience and enable our customers to increase their own sales.
With this aspiration in our hearts, we will continue to work hard to achieve our goals and realize our vision.

Kevin Jung

Team Leader & Product Owner OPDPRO.CARE

Patrick Armbröster

Project management

Antonio Brunetti

Team Leader Office

OPD IT & OT & Engineering SKILLS

  • Java, React, C#, Mqtt, Amqp, Restfull Api, Docker, Neo4J, Sql, Opc Ua,
  • WinCC, Tia Portal, Classic Step 7, .net core, Mqtt, Neo4J,
    rami 4.0, EPlan, PRO PANEL, PREPLANNING,
  • Mindsphere, AWS, SAP.

Nicole Schmitz

Team IT-Software

nikolas janke

Technical Manager Software Development 

gracjan lipinski

Team OT-Software


Team OT-Software


Team IT-Software


Team IIoT software

Jürgen Opdenhoff

Head of Engineering


Team IT-Software

Stephan Frenz

Team OT-Software

Michael Wawrik

Electrical Engineering Team


  • Innovation, team spirit, efficiency, scalability,
  • Modularity, curiosity, transparency,
  • Sustainability, flexibility, object-oriented
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